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On Monday, August 6th Jake and I decided to attempt Grizzly Peak. This particular scramble had been on Jake's list for a while (for both the views possible and the name), so with a paid day off we chose to give it our best shot!

Summit: Grizzly Peak
Time: 7 hours car to car
Distance: 6.0 KM
Elevation: 8320 ft
Height gain: 2953 ft

This hike is listed as "easy" in Kane's book, due to the lack of technical scrambling necessary. However, due to dry conditions, the trails were slippery, even with hiking poles, causing Jake and I to fall and slide down the mountain side multiple times. 

This was definitely one of the most mentally challenging hikes for me, although I did thoroughly enjoy it. My toenails are falling off, my feet and hands are blistered, and it hurts to stand, but I'm glad we did it. 

Hope you enjoy some photos from our hike; and if you do go, please be warned that the smoke and dry conditions make it a harder hike than it normally would be. Be safe friends!

The trail starts at Grizzly Creek (unsigned) 

Starting up the trail. 

Some scrambling in the cliff bands. 

The gorgeous view South. 

Working our way up the trail as it swings towards the saddle. 

Standing on the saddle, looking back at the views. 

Looking up the ridge, our final ascent to the summit. You can see a couple people making their way down if you look closely. 

Doing a bit of ridge walking at the top.

But first, beer!

Not the worst lunch views I have ever had. 

A friendly lunch visitor. 

Jake atop the summit!

A beautiful view North. 

My poor hands after some scrambling and sliding. 

Jake reppin some Sons of Kent gear, drinking a 1792 at the top. 

Finally, our panoramic view at the top. The large mountain that shares a saddle with Grizzly Peak is called Mount Evan-Thomas. 

Hope you enjoyed our adventure. 
Stay safe, stay active, and stay adventurous. 

char hazzard


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